Monday, December 27, 2010

Ten Things a Good Boss Does!

I found this list and felt it needed to be shared. Many times employees have a wish list for what the perfect boss would be. I found a list at that I think is pretty close:

1. Pay people what they are worth, not what you can get away with.

2. Take the time to share your experience and insights.

3. Tell it to employees straight, even when it’s bad news.

4. Manage up … effectively.

5. Take the heat and share the praise.

6. Delegate responsibility, not tasks.

7. Encourage employees to hone their natural abilities and challenge them to overcome their issues.

8. Build team spirit.

9. Treat employees the way they deserve to be treated.

10. Inspire your people.

The list seems pretty self-explanatory, but if you want to read the whole article it’s here:;banner

So what’s missing? I know that when I was the Divisions Night Shift Network Administrator, I tried to do most of these. Hey, when you’re in the Army, it’s a little hard to control pay, okay? But I did try to keep the majors and colonels (and sometimes generals) off my staff’s back so they could work. Most of the time my staff was smarter than I was at fixing specific network issues, so I delegate the responsibility of repair, rather than laying out a list of tasks for them to accomplish. As a final example I encouraged my staff to go for the various professional certifications. Those certifications would help with promotion points and if the person decided to leave the Army, he/she would be that much more marketable.

Good bosses (and thus leaders) are hard to come by. We all have experiences both good and bad. So what experiences do you have? Is there anything missing from the list?

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