Cub Scouts Arrow of Light |
This was a big weekend in the Morey household. Our oldest son crossed-over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, earning the Arrow of Light badge and the Super Achiever accolade. In this day and age, where there are so few milestones to celebrate within a growing child's life, we decided to treat it as a big deal, presenting him with several gifts as well as acknowledging the work he did to earn this recognition and the significance of his accomplishments.
As he moves into Boy Scouts, my wife and I found ourselves thinking of Baden Powell, the founder of Boy Scouts. As we reflected on what to share this week for a quote we came across one that stands out not only for the boys but for the teams that these boys will hopefully lead one day (and you may be leading now):
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Created by Erin Morey |
A Boy Carries Out Suggestions More Wholeheartedly When He Understands Their Aim.
- Sir Robert Baden- Powell
Simon Sinek wrote a book, Start with Why that is a smash hit for the very reason that Sir Robert Baden-Powell provided this quote. A team will work harder and more enthusiastically when they know the reasons why a particular action are required and what part they have in the overall reason WHY.
One other item to consider, although I've found it to be less of an issue than during my time in the military, is that there may be times when you aren't able to share the why and your team still needs to execute. If you are trusted, shown solid comprehension and understanding, and worked largely with the team's best interest in mind, then the team will probably execute without knowing the "aim." But that rarely comes first.
So, are you building the relationship with your team? Do they trust you? Do they know the "why" of what you ask them? If you are, great keep it up! If you are not... then I think there is some work to be done.
Robert Baden-Powell was a Lieutenant-General in the British Army, author of Scouting for Boys, founder of the Scouting Movement, and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scout Association. In a manner of speaking, he is responsible for the growth and development of thousands of boys into men through the scouting program (including myself). I wonder if he ever knew the influence his movement had over so many men in the last 100 years?
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